Step 2:
Knee Pain History
When were you diagnosed?
Step 3:
Level of Knee Pain
How would you rate your level of knee pain during the following activities?
1- Least Pain, 5 - Most Pain
Step 4:
Exercise Program
Which types of exercises? Select all that apply.
Step 5:
Treatment History
Which knee pain treatments have you tried? Select all that apply.
- *Tylenol is a registered trademark of McNeil Consumer & Specialty Pharmaceuticals, a Division of McNeil-PPC, Inc.
- † Advil is a registered trademark of Wyeth Consumer Healthcare
- ‡ Celebrex is a registered trademark of Pfizer, Inc.
Step 6:
Pain Management Goals
Knee pain can limit your ability to do things, like your job, leisure activities or everyday tasks. What are the most important activities you'd like to get back to?
(255 char. max.)
Write in any other notes or questions you'd like included on your report.
(255 char. max.)
Step 7:
Get Your Knee Pain Assessment
Print your Knee Pain Assessment