Learn About Our Knee Exercise Program


A Program that Produced Positive Results

Our 3-Step Knee Exercise Program features a combination of exercises used in a workout that produced positive results in 38 patients in a Tufts University study1 — involving a 16-week, home-based exercise program for men and women over 50 with knee osteoarthritis.

The study results were encouraging:

  • A 36% reduction in the amount of pain
  • A 38% increase in resuming daily activities
  • An increase in overall strength and feelings of accomplishment and well-being for all participants

About the Exercises

The 3-Step Knee Exercise Program involves three kinds of exercise that are very important for joint health:

  • Aerobic Exercise — Good for warming up your muscles and joints before your routine, getting your heart rate up and helping to improve your overall fitness level.
  • Flexibility Training — Also known as stretching, these exercises help relieve stiff joints and improve your range of motion. Muscles work best when they are at their optimum length, also improving mobility.
  • Strength Training — Muscles not only help you move, they also act as shock absorbers. The stronger the muscles around the hip and knee, the better the shock absorption and stability — meaning less strain (and pain) on the joint.

About the Study

Dr. Nelson and her team conducted the study with 46 men and women over 50 who already had moderate to severe osteoarthritis. The participants had pain almost every day of the week, and many of them had swollen, red knees that disrupted their active lives.

The study featured a home-based, progressive training program. It included a series of strength, flexibility and isotonic exercises — continuous, sustained movement of the arms and legs (e.g. aerobic exercises) aimed at improving cardio function — to help reinforce the muscles around the knee and relieve joint pressure, pain and irritation.

PLEASE NOTE: The exercises and videos are presented are for informational purposes only and are not meant to take the place of the advice of your doctor. By providing you with this information, Sanofi is not endorsing its content. You should consult with your doctor before starting any new health regimen.

1. Baker, Kristin R., Nelson, Miriam E., et al. “The Efficacy of Home Based Progressive Strength Training in Older Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” The Journal of Rheumatology. 2001; 28:7.

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